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A Woman’s Journey: Healthy Insights That Matter

Dec 2, 2021

According to the American Sleep Association, 50-70 million US adults have a sleep disorder with insomnia as the most common specific sleep disorder. Short term issues were reported by about 30% of adults and chronic insomnia by 10%. Moderator Lillie Shockney is joined by Dr. Rachel Salas, a professor of neurology at...

Nov 2, 2021

COVID has certainly brought to the forefront everyone's ability to adapt to uncertain times. This has never been more so in the case of businesses, who had to adapt to having their workforce remote. Healthcare is no different. For several years, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare as been a topic...

Sep 2, 2021

This has been a trying time for everyone, especially children who have seen their lives upended for the last 18 months. In the latest Insights that Matter podcast, pediatric psychiatrist and former public school teacher Hal Kronsberg, M.D., discusses the signs of anxiety that children may be feeling about returning...

Aug 2, 2021

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, more than 2.9 million Americans age 40 and older have low vision, which is defined as best-corrected visual acuity worse than 20/40.  Moderator Lillie Shockney is joined by two guests discussing gaining independence in the presence of vision loss. First guest...

Jul 1, 2021

Moderator Lillie Shockney sits down with epidemiologist and senior director of Infection Prevention for The Johns Hopkins Health System, Dr. Lisa Maragakis to discuss COVID variants such as Delta and why it is so important for individuals to get the COVID vaccine here in the U.S. and abroad.